1. Discuss a controversial issue or question related to your topic:
Sexual Identity is a very controversial issue in today’s society. There are so many variations in sexual identity, and many of them are not accepted in today’s society. Homosexuality is the most widely discussed because of its taboo nature and because it is the most common. Many believe that being homosexual is a choice; whereas others believe that it is naturally developed. This causes lots of friction in today’s political debates, amongst activists on both sides, and even in daily life. This is such an issue because for years our society has only accepted man and wife as okay, now that the homosexual community is more open and fighting for equal rights it is now more common to see or hear of. Now with the further variations of sexual identity these issues get more complicated because there is not a cut and dry label society can place on them.
Sexual identity does not mean specifically sexual orientation; it means the sex you most identify with. For example, one may look and be categorized as one sex, but inside completely feel as if they are the opposite sex. This causes lots of controversy in society and it makes the terms male and female obsolete.