Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis, is most known for his ability to trace almost all issues back to one that is sexual. Sexual suppression was vastly growing during the 20th century, and most of Freud’s patients suffered from some form of sexual repression. Freud took these concerns and made theories and ideas that he applied to all human beings. Thus it was that he became convinced of the overwhelming importance of the sex drive, both in shaping personality and psychological dysfunction. Freud had very complex theories all that were driven by the libido. (1)
To begin with, he stated his idea that all human beings come into the world as potential bisexuals. And he theorized that our first sensations were oral. This oral stage lasts til the child is 18 months old, and is characterized by the infant's use of the lips and mouth; how a child will put anything in the mouth and sucking and biting are their favorite things. As a toddler, the child entered into the anal phase, from ages 18 months to 3 or 4, where the emphasis was on the sensations of the anus, holding it in and letting it go. The phallic stage, happens when a child is 3 to about 7, is next which focused on the sensations of the genitals, experienced in the context of holding in or releasing urine, and masturbation is common. Freud noted that the clitoris is the female penis so females may experience a phallic state too. (2)
After these stages, the child begins to realize the society around him/her. The father becomes significant and is seen as a threat for the mothers love and affection. This is know as the Oedipus complex; moreover as the child gets older he begins to learn that wanting to have children with his mother is not accepted in society. Freud believed that then sexual feeling is repressed until one reaches puberty. During puberty children begin to learn to direct their sexual feelings towards appropriate figures. During this time youn girls go through what Freud called “Penis Envy.” Penis evny is when a young girl realizes that she does not have a penis and her male friends do. She quickly becomes jealous and is sad with her small inside genitals. Freud says that the little girl would rather be a boy, because she wants the possession of the male sexual organ. (2)
1. "Sigmund Freud." http://www.answers.com/topic/sigmund-freud/. Web
2. Freud, Sigmund. (1908c). On the sexual theories of children. SE, 9: 205-226
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